"Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill it teaches the whole people by its example.
Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself."
–Supreme Court Justice Brandeis

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kansas Ethics Cmtee 'bully' email

Note: and this guy wants to look up in the dictionary 'association" ? how cheesy can you get? and this is from the Ethics Committee..?

Well, 'Bill Beightel' as below: Look up in your little dictionary" Government oppression" -then look up " US constitution- "freedom of speech to name but one of many-then get back with us.

For your convenience we have included the FAIR USAGE ACT in the link above.

"Your Silence will not protect you." Audra Lourdes

When you invite thinking- you invite revolution.


From: Bill Beightel

Subject: Political Video

Date: 09/11/2008 10:28 AM

To: donna@achildsrights.com

Ms. Roberts,

I appreciate your response and efforts. I have no knowledge of how YouTube postings work, but I believe that a declaration at the end of the video would be the most effective method and the only one that would meet the requirements of the statute.

----- Original Message -----

From: Donna

To: gec.investigator@ethics.ks.gov

Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 11:01 AM

Subject: RE: Political Video

Mr. Beightel,

I apologize for this mix up, I had updated both videos that are out on you tube and it looks as if the update didn't occur with the "Vote Mark Schoenhofer" video, my name is on the side of the page where it states "more info" is this sufficient? If not I will once again correct my mistake. Below is the information that is listed to the right side of the you tube page under more information.

Supported by ACRA

A Childs Rights Association

Donna Roberts/Founder





Please let me know if this is sufficient or not, I will make any corrections needed so you are not bombarded with phone calls and I am not out of compliance with any laws.

Thanks so much,

Ms. Roberts,

On 9-3-08 I spoke with you concerning a political advertisement running on YouTube which advocated the election of Mark Schoenhofer for District Attorney. You stated that you were the person responsible for posting that advertisement. During our conversation I noted that such advertisements are covered by Kansas statute K.S.A. 25-4156 and Kansas Campaign Finance Rule and Regulation 19-20-4. The law requires that persons placing such advertisements must identify themselves by naming the organization responsible for the advertisement and the person responsible for placing the advertisement. You indicated that in this case there were no other persons, other than yourself, involved in placing this advertisement. However, a declaration at the end of the advertisement indicates that ACRA , A Childs Rights Association, is responsible for the advertisement. The use of the word "association" in the advertisement implies a group of people. The dictionary defines association as an "organized body of people".

The Sedgwick County race for District Attorney will undoubtedly be a closely contested race and I expect our office to receive more complaints about your YouTube postings. It would be very helpful for us if you were to make changes to all your postings similar to your video of 9-6-08 which identifies you as the founder of ACRA.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Bill Beightel

