"Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill it teaches the whole people by its example.
Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself."
–Supreme Court Justice Brandeis

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dates for the Seventh Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference Announced

Note: Cross posted from [wp angelfury]Battered Mothers Rights - A Human Rights Issue.


Dates for the Battered Mothers Custody Conference Announced

Filed under: Activism, Battered Mothers Custody Conference, Best interest of the child, Child Abuse, Child Custody, Child Custody Battle, Child Custody Issues, Child Custody Mediation,Child Custody for mothers, Child custody for fathers, Children and Domestic Violence, Children who witness abuse, Children's rights, Conferences, Domestic Abuse, Domestic Relations,Domestic Violence, Events, Family Court Reform, Family Courts, Family Rights, Help for Victims of Domestic Violence, New York — justice4mothers @ 8:54 pm

Just announced by Dr. Hannah:

Battered Women, Abused Children, and Child Custody,
A National Crisis VII:
“Now That We Know, What are We Doing About It?”

The Seventh Annual Battered Mothers
Custody Conference
January 8th, 9th, & 10th, 2010
(Friday evening, 6 p.m. – Sunday afternoon)

A brief and simple proposal form for
workshops and panel presentations is attached.

All proposals are welcome; however–

This year, we especially invite grassroots groups and other organizations
to share what they’ve done to combat unjust family court practices that cause harm to battered mothers and their children.


Holiday Inn Turf
205 Wolf Road, Albany, NY
(five minutes away from Albany International Airport)

Call: 1-800-HOLIDAY or 518-458-7250

Ask for Battered Mothers Custody Conference block
Reserve early!

Visit www.batteredmotherscustodyconference.org for further details, which will be coming soon!

Dr. Mo Therese Hannah
Professor of Psychology, Siena College
Save the dates for the BMCC VII
Jan. 8th-10th, 2010
Albany, NY

Here is a video produced at a previous Battered Mothers Custody Conference:



Technorati Tags: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Note: Cross posted from [wp angelfury]Battered Mothers Rights - A Human Rights Issue.
