"Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill it teaches the whole people by its example.
Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself."
–Supreme Court Justice Brandeis

Thursday, February 11, 2010



FILED IN: ACTIVISMhttp://rightsformothers.com/?p=7239

After repeated takedowns by WordSUPress, I am out of there.  If you are receiving this by email, I have resubscribed you to the new site from the subscriber list I was able to save.  As I am new to manipulating site code and dealing with plugins, I think this subscription service should work out well.  Stay tuned as I try and get everything back up…I had grown so big, WordSUPress didn’t want to deal with helping export my material, and I lost about 85% of the site.  I do have each post saved though, along with files, so it will take a bit to get back up.  If you have an immediate need for something I have published before, let me know and I will find ASAP.  Hopefully the site will be better than ever, as I work to improve it (and my coding skills).  Thank you.




  • Cold North Wind says:

    FEBRUARY 10, 2010 AT 10:09 PM

    Welcome back ! I know thousands will be glad that yet another- bump in the road- is being resolved ! The “look” is great- the picture -excellent. Bravo ! I personally am delighted and relieved to see this site back- healthier !

  • Anne Caroline Drake says:

    FEBRUARY 10, 2010 AT 11:49 PM

    Bravo, Nancy!

    Wow! I can’t believe you saved ALL your posts ~ OMG ~ that’s a LOT of information!

    You know I’m frothing at the mouth over what happened ~ you got Charlie Sheened. I would be more than happy to lead a charge with WordPress to “encourage” them to give you an assist. You were without a doubt one of their absolutely best bloggers. And, I think I know a couple of high-profile bloggers with a dual interest in womens’ issues + First Amendment/journalistic issues who might just want to profile your story if that’s something you want to do.

    But, I will respect your lead and the demands on your time.

    I’m going to celebrate your return with a post that you have moved. It is a way for your WordPress fans to find you again.

    Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to assist you. I hope you know that I deeply respect the work that you do.

    Best of the very best,
    Anne Caroline

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