"Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill it teaches the whole people by its example.
Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself."
–Supreme Court Justice Brandeis

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Doctor Who Intentionally Severs Bonds With Mothers Is a Monster

From batteredmomslosecustody

This Dr. Harry Harlow was not just unsympathetic, but a monster just like the unethical doctors who forcefully remove children from loving mothers by claiming parental alienation to give them to their abusers. Why do they do this? Because they get paid by the abuser to do this! It’s a fraud on the courts that needs to end!

From the Top Ten Unethical Psychological Experiments
The Well of Despair 1960

Dr. Harry Harlow was an unsympathetic person, using terms like the rape rack and iron maiden in his experiments. He is most well-known for the experiments he conducted on rhesus monkeys concerning social isolation. Dr. Harlow took infant rhesus monkeys who had already bonded with their mothers and placed them in a stainless steel vertical chamber device alone with no contact in order to sever those bonds. They were kept in the chambers for up to one year. Many of these monkeys came out of the chamber psychotic, and many did not recover. Dr. Harlow concluded that even a happy, normal childhood was no defense against depression, while science writer Deborah Blum called these, common sense results.
     Gene Sackett of the University of Washington in Seattle, one of Harlows doctoral students, stated he believes the animal liberation movement in the U.S. was born as a result of Harlows experiments. William Mason, one of Harlows students, said that Harlow kept this going to the point where it was clear to many people that the work was really violating ordinary sensibilities, that anybody with respect for life or people would find this offensive. Its as if he sat down and said, Im only going to be around another ten years. What Id like to do, then, is leave a great big mess behind. If that was his aim, he did a perfect job.

Any doctor removing a child from their mother using the fraudulent theory of parental alienation or other phony psychobabble BS needs to be exposed for the monsters they are. They come up with phony rhetoric and say it in a convincing manner, much like they did back in Salem when they accused women of witchcraft.  

This Parental Alienation Custody Change Fraud is going to go down in history as one of the most unethical psychological social engineering experiments of all time. The scandal is on the same level as the cover up of sexual abuse by the Catholic Church. It’s time people start to wake up and recognize that these doctors are covering up for all types of domestic abuse against women and children for PROFIT.

If you click on the links regarding Dr. Harry Harlow, you will find out that he received awards from psychological associations. Maybe this will start to get people thinking that there are groups of people doing unethical experiments and they do support each other on their theories and cover up for each other. The APA also published the Rind Study which tried to justify child sexual abuse as being acceptable and not that harmful to children. There is a common thread between all of these sick studies that push quack theories to justify unacceptable behavior. Only with Parental Alienation Theory, the whole idea is to call the victims liars which re-victimizes them. All that is needed to do this is to pay an unethical doctor to testify who will ignore real evidence and substitute in their fraudulent rhetoric.

When people realized the horrible treatment of animals that Harlow inflicted, the result was an animal liberation movement. What needs to happen as a result of these unethical parental alienation scams is for children to have a liberation movement and demand to have rights to be heard and to make their own decisions.

And Intentionally Scaring Monkeys

Posted in Abraham Worenklein, Alabama, Alaska, Amy J. L. Baker, Anthony Pisa, Arizona, Arla Witte, Australia, Barbara Fidler,Barry Bricklin, Bernard Joseph Goldberg, Bob Hoch, C. David Missar, California, Canada, Christopher Tilman, Cole Eason,Colorado, Connecticut, Dalia Saffa Biller, David L. Levy, David Sweet, David Tassoni, Deborah Day, Diane Rotnem, Doneldon Dennis, Donna Wowk, Elizabeth McCarty, Florida, Frank Marocco, Fred Norris, Gail Brick, Gary Karpin, Georgia, Glenn Caddy,Gregory Sisk, Harold Niman, Harry Harlow, Illinois, Indiana, J. Michael Bone, Jack Ferrell, Jake Cooley, Jan Faust, Jayne Major,Jeffry Price, Jim Campbell, John Zervopoulos, Joseph Goldberg, Judge Bob Wattles, Judge Charles A. Porter, Judge Damian Amodeo, Judge Daniel C. Banina, Judge David Barker, Judge Henry Walsh, Judge Howard Lipsey, Judge Jennifer Elliott, Judge Jeremiah Jeremiah, Judge John Gomery, Judge Joseph A. Dugen, Judge Karen G. Shields, Judge Lawrence J. Stengel, Judge Mark A. Ciavarella, Judge Michael T. Conahan, Judge Neil Buckley, Judge Peter J. McBrien, Judge Susan Greenhawt, Judge W. Stephen Nixon, Judges, Justice Faye McWatt, Kansas, Karen Allen, Kay Kraus, Lawyers, GALs, Mediators, Et Al, Leslie Riggs,Lisette Laurent Boyer, Locations, Lorah Sebastian, Mark Hirschfeld, Mark Hoffman, Martha Jacobson, Marty McKay, Mary Laughead, Maryland, Maureen Patton, Meg Sussman, Mental Health Professionals, Michael Baer, Michael Perzin, Minnesota,Missouri, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Pamela Stuart-Mills Hoch, Patricia Scaglia, Pennsylvania, Phil Heller, Ralph Underwager,Raymond David, Reena Sommer, Rhode Island, Richard Gardner, Richard Sauber, Richard Warshak, Robert Basham, S. Richard Sauber, Sherrie Bourg Carter, Stephanie Holland, Stuart Greenberg, Susan DeVries, Texas, UK, Vicki Plant, Virginia,Washington, William Wrigley. Tags: abuse, child abuse, custody, divorce, domestic abuse, Family Court, fraud, parental alienation, psychologist, unethical, visitation. 14 Comments »

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