What is "Reach for Help?"
This page is dedicated to the 1.3 million women who are the victims of domestic violence each year.
KWCH 12 and reporter Denise Hnytka are working with organizations in the Wichita area to provide information about help that's available to Kansans.
You'll find important information on recognizing abusive relationships and resources to help you or someone you know get out of a domestic violence situation. More>>
Reach for Help: Ashley's Story 
A Kansas woman's story about her abusive relationship and what happened after she left. More>>
Reach for Help: Denise Brown's Awareness Campaign 
Denise Brown visits Wichita as a fundraiser for the Women's Initiative Network. Eyewitness News sat down with her exclusively. More>>
Reach for Help: Where the Women Are Now 
Ashley and Galina have left abusive relationships and started new lives. More>>
Wichita Domestic Violence Stats for 2008/2009
In 2008, Wichita police investigated 6,401 cases of domestic violence. More>>
WIN Fundraiser Hopes to Make Up for Budget Cuts 
Two years ago, WIN, a transitional program for domestic abuse victims lost a major funding source. It made up nearly half it's budget. More>>
Denise Brown to Speak in Wichita About Domestic Violence
Brown will speak Tuesday at a fundraiser for WIN, the Wichita Women's Initiative Network. More>>
WordPress Tags: Kansas,News,victims,violence,Reach,Help,KWCH,reporter,Denise,Hnytka,Wichita,area,Kansans,relationships,situation,Should,Stay,Leave,Relationship,Ashley,Story,woman,Brown,Campaign,fundraiser,Women,Initiative,Network,Where,Galina,Domestic,Stats,cases,Make,Budget,Speak,About,Unit,Spike,Tough,Times,organizations,million