"Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill it teaches the whole people by its example.
Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself."
–Supreme Court Justice Brandeis

Saturday, May 8, 2010

(KS) We demand the release of two little boys from states custody


Dear Kansas State Representatives and Senators,

I am writing to you today to ask of you to demand that the State of Kansas return 2 little boys back to their mother, the Non-Offending parent. Once again, children have been removed from the home of the non-offending parent and placed in the custody of the state, this is a pattern that continues to happen in sedgwick county and it is destroying the lives of children.

Here in Sedgwick County they think nothing of taking children from safe homes and placing them in foster care, they are NOT educated and they don't care about what it does to a child if removed from the care of a parent. The trauma they are causing, first they are abused by ONE parent and then they are removed from the loving and protective parent, the system is abusing these two boys just as they have with many other children. According to experts, removing children from homes causes SERIOUS TRAUMA http://www.jrplaw.org/Documents/xxharmandlreplacement.pdf


Adapted from Goodman, 2002

Parental support influences how well children cope after a

traumatic event. Birth, foster, and adoptive parents, kin

caregivers, and professionals can help children by:

• Providing a strong supportive presence

• Modeling and managing their own expression of feelings

and coping

• Establishing routines with flexibility

• Accepting children’s regressed behaviors while encouraging

and supporting a return to age-appropriate activity

• Helping children use familiar coping strategies

• Helping children share in maintaining their safety

• Allowing children to tell their story in words, play, or pictures

to acknowledge and normalize their experience (Not cover-up the abuse as if it never happened, just like sedgwick county does)

• Discussing what to do or what has been done to prevent

the event from recurring

• Maintaining a stable, familiar environment (removing them from their own home where the abuse didn't happen causes secondary trauma)

The State of Kansas is destroying these two little boys, they are NOT getting the proper treatment they should be getting they are being abused while in foster care, they need to be returned to their Mother, they are being forced to visit with the abusive parent, the parent that the family court investigator said sexually and physically abused .

The mother just recently went to the foster care home to check on her children because one of them was really sick during their visit earlier in the day, the mother was told the child would go to the doctor, but that didn't happen, when she arrived at the foster home the foster dad welcomed the mother in the home, but when the foster mother seen her, she turned violent on Valarie the mother, she attacked Valarie, she pushed her out the front door backwards, and Valarie went down on her back. This foster mom is a dangerous person, she has no business taking care of children, she can't even maintain her violent behaviors. (Valarie, the mom has a broken elbow, she has to have surgery next week, her elbow will never be the same) If this foster mom can lose it with an adult imagine what she can do to a child.

The bottom line to this tragic story once again is that these children should of never been placed into foster care, and it's time that someone does something to save these boys from more trauma, the oldest boy isn't doing well, he needs to be home and he needs PROPER therapy, not YOUTHVILLE's therapy. These children have been sexually abused and physically by the dad and they have NOT received any treatment for the abuse, they are only being forced to go to classes with their ABUSER, how could anyone force a victim into classes with their abuser? That would be like forcing a RAPE victim into classes with their rapists, what is wrong with this system? That would be like forcing my daughter when she was a victim of rape, kidnapping, drugging, indecent liberities, and sexual exploitation with her offender. Come on something has to be done to save these boys, they must go home so they can begin to heal and the father must be held accountable for abusing his children. NOT get special treatment by Youthville. If you continue to allow the system abuse of these children then you are just as much responsible for their continued abuse, their not getting the proper treatment.

I and other citizens of Kansas are demanding that these two little boys be released from states custody and placed back in the home of their non-offending parent A.S.A.P and that they NOT be forced to live or visit their abuser without supervision if the boys choose to have supervised visits, they should be allowed to make that decision. It is their safety that is most important.

****Paste Law Makers address and forward on with the message to return the two little boys to mom*****

To all citizens who want to save these two little boys from further abuse please sign and forward this on to everyone you know, just click forward and then sign your name and pass this on to everyone in your email list.

Thank you,

Donna Roberts/Founder

ACRA-A Child's Rights Association


1. Donna Roberts/Founder of ACRA-A Child's Rights Advocate 316-529-3179

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