"Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill it teaches the whole people by its example.
Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself."
–Supreme Court Justice Brandeis

Saturday, May 15, 2010

“Mr. President, How long must women wait for liberty?" Quotes from Iron Jawed Angels


Senator Leighton: I don't know a judge in this district that will
give you custody right now.

Emily Leighton: You wont take my children.
Senator Leighton: And how are you going to stop me? Can you afford an

Emily Leighton: An attorney? To prove what? That I'm their mother?
What will your judge say? That this is your house and your
children? What am I to you, Tom, in your house? Chattel? This is
how you punish me? I am their mother! They are not your children to


The Entire Movie is in 12 parts on the above you tube link.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)


Mabel Vernon: We are called the Iron Jawed Angels. Is that supposed
to be an insult? Oh, and Carrie Catt told the Times that we were no
better than anarchists and draft dodgers.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)


Dr. White: In oranges and women courage is often mistaken for

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Emily Leighton: They are the only reason I am here.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Alice Paul: Were legitimate citizens. Were taxed without
representation. Were not allowed to serve on juries so were not
tried by our peers. Its unconscionable, not to mention
unconstitutional. We dont make the laws but we have to obey them
like children.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Alice Paul: Its warm in here. Can you open a window?
Matron Herndon: Get to work.
Alice Paul: Cant you see she looks faint? All I ask is that you open
a window.
Lucy Burns: Matron, my needle broke. Can I have another?
[Alice takes off her shoe and throws it at the window, breaking it]
Alice Paul: Thats better, isnt it?
Matron Herndon: Put her in solitary.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Lucy Burns: [crying] Tell me what you did! If you do anything to hurt
that girl! Do you hear me?

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Carrie Chapman Catt: This will get out to the foreign press. You can
tell the President that he can look like a damn fool or he can deal
me in.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Alice Paul: I found someone who designs parade floats.
Lucy Burns: Whoa, I thought we were going to keep this small.
Alice Paul: Why?
Lucy Burns: Because youve never organized a parade before. Neither
have I. Its not like giving a dinner party.
Alice Paul: Have you ever given a dinner party?
Lucy Burns: No.
Alice Paul: Then what are you worried about?

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Lucy Burns: Dont argue with me! Youre mama duck, we follow you. If
you go down, theyll scatter. Use your head.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Alice Paul: Im not a man.
Inez Mulholland: Ever wish you were?
Alice Paul: Once, when I saw my brother peeing his name in the snow.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Lucy Burns: [talking about Carrie] I dont think she is a woman.
Seriously, has anyone seen her naked?


Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Lucy Burns: Were political prisoners. We wear our own clothes.
Matron Herndon: Youll wear what they all wear.
Lucy Burns: I want to see the warden.
Matron Herndon: You want to see him naked?

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Senator Leighton: I don't know a judge in this district that will
give you custody right now.
Emily Leighton: You wont take my children.
Senator Leighton: And how are you going to stop me? Can you afford an
Emily Leighton: An attorney? To prove what? That I'm their mother?
What will your judge say? That this is your house and your
children? What am I to you, Tom, in your house? Chattel? This is
how you punish me? I am their mother! They are not your children to

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Alice Paul: When your alone, you can make any choice you want. But
when someone loves you, you lose that right. I wont give anything
away till we have it all. I cant.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Lucy Burns: To pay the fine would be admitting guilt. We haven't
broken a law. Not one dollar!

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Alice Paul: I was put in a straight jacket and taken to the
psychopathic ward. I could not see my family or friends, counsel
was denied me. I saw no other prisoners and heard nothing of them.
I could see no papers. Today I was force fed for the third time, I
refused to open my mouth. My left nostril, throat, and muscles of
my neck are very sore. I vomit continuously during the process.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Lucy Burns: Dont you ever want to get married?
Alice Paul: Im busy that day.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Emily Leighton: I really don't follow politics, Ms. Burns. I haven't
the head for it.
Lucy Burns: Were citizens or were chattel: you don't really need a
degree from Harvard to figure that out.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Movie patron: Would you please be quiet?
Alice Paul: My sister is blind; I have to read her the subtitles.
[Inez starts flailing her arms in front of her when she stands up,
pretending to be blind]

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Lucy Burns: I can see it now. Im gonna end up back in Brooklyn with
a hairless cat. Called Lester.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Alice Paul: [on the phone] Helen Kellers in town. Arrange for me to
meet her. [pause] No I dont know what hotel. [pause] Well shes
deaf and blind. If she found it, Im sure you can.

Movie Name: Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Alice Paul: Im having dinner with Helen Keller.
Ben Weissman: Dont stare, she hates that.

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Iron Jawed Angels

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Iron Jawed Angels (2004) is a highly acclaimed film about the American women's rights movement during the early 1900s produced by HBO Films.

Writen by Jennifer Friedes Sally Robinson. Directed by Katja von Garnier.

Votes for women.



[edit] Alice Paul

  • "A vote is a fire escape"

  • "When you're alone you can make any choice you want. But when someone loves you, you lose that right. I won't give anything away until we have it all. I can't"

  • "We're legitimate citizens. We're taxed without representation. We're not allowed to serve on juries so we're not tried by our peers. It's unconscionable, not to mention unconstitutional. We don't make the laws but we have to obey them like children."

  • "You ask me to explain myself. I'm just wondering, what needs to be explained? It should be very clear. Look into your own heart—I swear to you, mine is no different. You want a place in trade and profession where you can earn your bread; so do I. You want the means of self-expression; so do I. You want to satisfy your own personal ambitions; so do I. You want a voice in the government in which you live; so do I. So what is there to explain?"

  • " 'I believe the might of America is the love of its people for the Freedom of Mankind' Woodrow Wilson, March 6, 1915.

  • 'We have forgotten the history of the country when we have forgotten to agitate when it is necessary' Woodrow Wilson, September 8, 1916.

  • "Liberty is a retractable thing to which no bounds ought to be set' Woodrow Wilson, A Message to Congress.

'There is nothing in liberty unless it is translated into definite action.' July 4th, 1914, Woodrow Wilson"

[edit] Lucy Burns

  • "To pay the fine would be admitting guilt . We haven't broken a law. Not one dollar!"

[edit] Woodrow Wilson

  • "This war could not be fought by America if it had not been for the services of women. We have made partners of the women in the war. Shall we make them partners of only suffering and sacrifice and toil, and not a partnership of privilege and right? I know the magic it will work in their thoughts and their spirits if you give this thing to them that is mere justice. We shall need their moral sense to preserve what is right and what is fine and worthy in our system of life. Be assured that the voices of the radicals who agitate and disrupt have no influence here today. The task of woman lies at the very heart of the war and I know how much stronger that heart will beat if you do this just thing and show our women that you trust them, as much as you in fact depend on them. We shall deserve to be distrusted if we do not enfranchise them with the fullest possible enfranchisement as it is now certain the other free and great nations will enfranchise theirs. Have I said that the passage of this amendment is a vitally necessary war measure? And do you need further proof?"

[edit] Dialogue

Alice Paul: I'm not a man.
Inez Mulholland: Ever wish you were?
Alice Paul: Once, when I saw my brother peeing his name in the snow.

[edit] Quotations on Banners

  • "Mr. President, How long must women wait for liberty?"

  • "We demand an am

WordPress Tags: President,Quotes,Iron,movie,Entire,tube,Name,Quote,Mabel,Vernon,Carrie,Catt,Times,White,courage,Leighton,Alice,Paul,representation,children,Matron,Herndon,Cant,Lucy,Thats,Tell,girl,Chapman,Whoa,Neither,dinner,Dont,Youre,Inez,Mulholland,Once,woman,Youll,warden,Senator,district,custody,attorney,Chattel,guilt,dollar,jacket,ward,friends,papers,throat,muscles,neck,politics,degree,Harvard,patron,Brooklyn,Lester,Helen,Kellers,Arrange,hotel,Keller,Weissman,results,From,Wikiquote,Jump,navigation,article,American,rights,movement,Films,Writen,Jennifer,Friedes,Robinson,Katja,Garnier,Contents,Wilson,Dialogue,External,links,needs,Look,heart,profession,bread,self,government,America,Freedom,March,history,September,Message,action,haven,services,partners,Shall,partnership,justice,system,life,task,lies,fact,amendment,Angels,anarchists,juries,prisoners,Quotations,ambitions,nations,women,peers,unconscionable,brother,wont,enfranchise