"Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill it teaches the whole people by its example.
Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself."
–Supreme Court Justice Brandeis

Friday, May 14, 2010

We are coming President and Mrs. Obama…..will you listen?


We are coming President and Mrs. Obama…..will you listen?

Two rallies in one month regarding children being placed into the hands of their abusers and/or their Mothers abusers. What does this say to our President as he was presented last week with a silent vigil on Mothers Day. We are coming Mr. President…..will you listen?????


There have been many dodgy campaigns in the so called “rights for children”, but are in reality only there for the sole purpose of securing the child as though they were a piece of property.  Statistics can be skewed all they like, but at the end of the day most children are better off with their mothers after divorce.  Nature knows it, criminologists know it and deep down we all knew it, but because the shared parenting campaign sold as well as the renown pyramid scheme – we all fell for it.  Religious commentators might say that it was like scientists “playing god”, but in this case it was male supremacists, robbing motherhood. 

In their own sense of paranoid delusions, they thought that single motherhood was an “invasion of feminism”, but its not.  Its mothers working extremely hard through all of the hate set against them to raise their children to become strong and good human beings.  That is all, no matter how one tries to paint it, there is no more. 

Now, because children’s rights have never been so appalling along with women’s rights, mothers have embraced feminism like never before.  The support every year for the white ribbon campaign grows every year and more people, whether men’s groups like it or not are beginning to see through the FRs hatred and propaganda.  I can be very thankful to learn that Australians are certainly not a dumb country as much as these vial groups represent. 

The more violent incidents against women and children, the more people begin to know who is the real problem.  The continued support by dads in distress, dads on air members and even fathers4equality of a known perpetrator is a statement in itself that reveals what this group is truly about: Its not about and never was about men’s rights – it was abusers rights. 

The right to conceal, the right to punish victims, the right to continue their terror unchallenged and most of all: The right to have judicial authority to continue to do this.

Know that there is indeed a war on children and motherhood.

Know that a critical mass can stop this

Know that the courts are accomplices in some of the most disgusting crimes of the century beyond 9/11  If we put all of the victims of this child and mother massacre: it would be classified as the greatest act of terror and genocide by the state and its actors.

Posted via web from australiansharedparentingdebate’s posterous

Entry Filed under: Child Custody Issues,Child Custody for fathers,Children's Rights,Family Courts,activism,child abuse,domestic violence. Tags: custody, domestic violence, corruption,mothers, batterers, abusers, government corruption, battered women, abused, Violence,Rape, Judges, restraining orders, father rights, domestic abuse, abused children, bad fathers,misogynists, women haters, Title IV Grants, CPS, protective parent, abusive men, parental alienation, family court corruption, violence against women, president obama, pedophiles, pas,court whores, sexual abuse, maternal deprivation, killer fathers, Murder-Suicide, responsible fatherhood intiatitives, whitehouse, Rights For Mothers, Childrens Voice 4 Judicial Change.

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