"Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill it teaches the whole people by its example.
Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself."
–Supreme Court Justice Brandeis

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hague (US) The Hague Domestic Violence Project – Final Report

US report here:  http://www.haguedv.org/reports/finalreport.pdf

The Hague Domestic Violence Project

International Child Abduction and Domestic Violence
Hague Permanent Bureau Publishes Paper on Domestic Violence and Hague Cases

The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference has published a new paper titled Domestic and Family Violence and the Article 13 “Grave Risk” Exception in the Operation of the Hague Convention of 21980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: A Reflection Paper in preparation for the upcoming meetings at The Hague, The Netherlands.

Final Report and Presentation Now Available

Our final report to the National Institute of Justice has been approved for release. Our presentation at the National Institute of Justice is also online. Please go to our Reports page to listen to the presentation and download our report for free.

Time Magazine covers Hague DV study

Time Magazine ran a story on our research on the homepage of its website on Human Rights Day 2010. Read the story titled Protecting Kids: Rethinking the Hague Convention on Time's website. The study was also covered in recent press releases by the University of Minnesota and the University of Washington.

On-Demand Continuing Education Available from Thomson Reuters

The HagueDV Project offered a live, global webcast on Human Rights Day 2010. Actors from the world renown Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis performed staged readings of battered mothers' stories as told to us in our recently completed NIJ-funded study on Hague Convention cases. These readings were interspersed with commentary by leading scholars in law and social science about how Hague hearings should consider domestic violence. Earn either 2.5 Law CLE or 2.5 Social Work CEU credits. You can attend and earn credits for FREE through your computer anywhere in the world online thanks to our partnership with West Legal Edcenter and the Guthrie Theatre and with generous support from the law firm of Robins, Kaplan, Miller and Ciresi, LLP and Greater Twin Cities United Way.

On-Demand Recording Now Available. West Legal Edcenter has now made a delayed on-demand broadcast of the Guthrie Theater CLE/CEU available for the next several months. It remains a free event. Please go the West Legal Edcenter to register and participate in the two and a half hour continuing education.

ECHR Says Hague Rulings Must Consider Child's Best Interests

The European Court of Human Rights ruled in the case of NEULINGER AND SHURUK v. SWITZERLAND that the best interest standard applies to decisions on return of a child and that full consideration must be given to the merits of claims that the child will be at risk under Article 13(b) of the Convention. This decision is persuasive authority for countries around the world because the Court has argued that international human rights standards arising from the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and regional human rights instruments require that when risk is assessed under Article 13(b) reference to 'best interest of children' means that the interest of an individual child before the court must be taken into account and be paramount.

Providing Assistance to Individuals Involved in Hague Convention Cases

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is an international treaty that requires countries to work together to quickly return an abducted child back to his or her home country. Although the treaty was created to protect children, the results are often the opposite when domestic violence is involved. The Hague Domestic Violence Project focuses on providing a comprehensive resource to assist individuals involved in a Hague Convention case where domestic violence is an issue.

Hague Convention Cases are Time and Fact Sensitive

Whether you are a woman seeking safety, an attorney facing your first Hague Convention case, a judge hearing a Hague Convention case for the first time, or an advocate seeking to assist a battered woman and her children, you are likely facing strict deadlines and confusion about what steps you need to take. This site is meant to help guide you through the system.

  • For domestic violence victims, we provide resources to assist you in obtaining legal aid and other forms of assistance.
  • For attorneys, we have compiled databases with cases, legal briefs and other useful documentation to assist you in preparing for court hearings.
  • For judges, we have created bench guides and provide access to our case database to assist you in presiding over Hague Convention disputes.
  • For advocates for battered women, we are compiling expert testimony and other useful resources to guide you in providing aid to victims.
Meet the Members of the Hague Domestic Violence Project

We are a team of individuals from various professional backgrounds who are dedicated to creating a comprehensive resource that will enable mothers, attorneys, judges and advocates for battered women to better prepare themselves for Hague Convention cases in the United States' legal system. To learn more about our dedicated team, visit our page on Our Staff and Volunteers.

We are Always Looking for Ways to Better Help You

We at The Hague Domestic Violence Project are constantly updating this Web site to provide you with the information you need to handle your situation effectively and efficiently. If you cannot find what you are looking for on this site, please let us know. We are continuously looking for more information and ways to improve this site.

Why this Project?

We are a team of individuals from various professional backgrounds who are dedicated to creating a comprehensive resource that will enable mothers, advocates for battered women, attorneys and judges to better prepare themselves for Hague Convention cases in the United States' legal system.

Recent Reports


Contact Us

This project is affiliated with the University of Minnesota and the University of Washington and is funded by the National Institute of Justice.See disclaimer.

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