Hey Topeka Women - SLAP! Slap! Slap!! Compliments of Chad Manspeaker. Just to make sure you didn’t get ‘Slapped enough’ the first time – see here

10-21-2011“Manspeaker,who voted with the majority of the council to repeal misdemeanor domestic battery from city ordinance’This was insane, Chad Manspeaker, not only showed up at rally but spoke abouthis decision (and 6 others city councilpersons) who voted to ‘Decriminalize Domestic Violence’ with in the Topeka City limits that outraged the Nation. This ELECTED official, a ‘public servant’ huh? could have fooled me- Had the audacity to show up at OUR DV rally and further had the audacity to ‘explain his decision’STILL thinking he ‘is da man’ - He is not, he is a coward as are the others who voted to further insult battered women--
And really Chad, while the other two council members Everhart and Harmon (who voted against repealing the ban) were ‘serving the public’ and hot dogs- Manspeaker wouldn’t do ‘public servant work’ he just sat and ate his hotdogs.Boooooo Manspeaker—how dare you show up and talk your crap at a rally for survivors and victims of ‘Domestic Violence”- the same that YOU ‘DECRIMILIZED?’
SLAP!! SLAP!! Take that- you women! I guess abusers are like that. They like to control intimidate and expect you to kneel down and lick his shoes for his greatness in making sure that Victims of Domestic Violence crime is decriminalized.
Any ways, let him know how victims/survivors do not appreciate his actions.
Chad Manspeaker , 1304 SW College Ave, Topeka, KS 66604
Cell: 220-9493 email: manspeakerfortopeka@gmail.com

Council District #6
Chad Manspeaker, Councilperson
1304 SW College Ave., Topeka, KS 66604
Chad Manspeaker (@manspeaker) on Twitter