"Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill it teaches the whole people by its example.
Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself."
–Supreme Court Justice Brandeis

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sharia Law In Kansas Courts? You betcha!! Guaranteed Pay Day’$ for Profiteer’$ and OPRE$$ION of Women

Sharia Law In Kansas Courts: Ronald W Nelson ‏ @KansasDivorce An Overland Park Fathers Rights Attorney PRO Sharia Law In Kansas Courts - OPPRE$$ion of Women for Profit – *** KER - CHING$  Domestic Violence, Judicial Jujitsu, Power and Control, Corruption, Human Trafficking, Child trafficking,

clip_image002  Ronald W Nelson ‏ @KansasDivorce #KSLegislature: Rep. Mast Makes Pitch for Anti-Sharia Law, Wading  Into Pending Divorce Trying To Make Her Point http://bit.ly/Jfz5rR

   From Kansas to Gaza—this is NOT His first ride on Sharia – From Overland Park to the  Middle East

10 American Families and Shariah Law American Laws for American Courts was crafted to protect American citizens’ constitutional rights against the infiltration and incursion of foreign laws and foreign legal doctrines, especially Islamic Shariah Law.



This post is a shout out to the following Court Whores (Money Making Profiteers) and Senate Paid Bribed Co-Conspirators who dare to even think that Sharia law should eve be considered an option in US courts and in Kansas Courts.

Naming Names

  • Ron Nelson
  • Guardian ad litem aka (Court Appointed Child Abuser) Leah Gagne
  • Kansas Fatherhood Initiatives aka “DADDY WELFARE” (and the above sucking the gov teet)
  • The Guardian Ad Litem Scandals
  • Human Rights Violations
  • KS Senators Jean Schodorf, Jeff King, David Haley, Tim Owen http://t.co/IKO0SoTC


Its monetary - it’s ALL about the Money. Always….

  • KSLEG KS last-ditch effort 4 Senate vote on a bill to keep foreign laws out of Kansas courts. (cont) http://tl.gd/hc8h5e
  • Kansas bill titled “Concerning the protection of rights granted under the Constitution" which prohibits courts... fb.me/1filrq2qk
  • Pro-Sharia Islamic forces are rallying against Kansas legislation which would prohibit courts from allowing Sharia law. http://t.co/wX6BP9Wt
  • Ten American Families and Shariah in American State Courts THEY ALL DENY MOTHER CUSTODY OF HER CHILDREN http://t.co/G35g7pAi
  • OF COURSE ALL MOTHERS LOST THEIR CHILDREN---- sound familiar... too familiar? http://t.co/G35g7pAi
  • KS Senators Who WANT Sharia in Our Courts WTF?? Jean Schodorf, Jeff King, David Haley, Tim Owen http://t.co/IKO0SoTC #PullHeadOfFuckingAss


Mast makes last pitch for Kansas Sharia Law Bill


Photo Topeka Capital Journal

clip_image005In a last-ditch effort to get a Senate vote on a bill to keep foreign laws out of Kansas courts, Rep. Peggy Mast, R-Emporia, staged a news conference this week to draw attention to a Wichita divorce in which she said the husband is requesting the court apply Islamic law, or sharia.

Mast planned to have a representative for the wife in the case at the event, but the representative decided against appearing at the last minute on the advice of the wife's attorney, because the case is still pending.

Mast plowed ahead with the event, telling a crowd of about 30 people who gathered Wednesday in the Statehouse's Old Supreme Courtroom that "there's been a lot of people feeling like we need to protect our Constitution and protect the freedoms we have."

The Wichita case involves Hussein Hamdeh, a Wichita State University physics professor. According to a brief filed by his wife's attorney, Hamdeh had two previous marriages in which he brought women from the Middle East to the United States and subsequently divorced them and was awarded "what appears to be substantially all of the property and custody of the minor children."

Hamdeh's attorney, John Lehecka, said he couldn't comment on the pending case except to say that Mast appeared to have only heard one side. "The court has heard both sides and the court’s going to make an appropriate decision based on the evidence and testimony the court has heard," he added.

The brief states Hamdeh met and married his current wife, Hala Hamdeh, in Lebanon in 2003 when he was 50 and she was 31. He brought her to the United States the same year and since then she has been a homemaker and mother to their daughter, Tala, and her step-son, Ahmad. Hala Hamdeh, the brief states, has no post-secondary education and is not fluent in English.

Hussein Hamdeh filed for divorce in November 2010. A point of contention in the case appears to be whether his promise of a $5,000 marriage gift, or Sadaq, is sufficient to settle his wife's side of the divorce financially, per his understanding of Lebanese religious laws and a "prenuptial" agreement, in English, that he had her sign in Wichita after their marriage. In the brief Hala Hamdeh's attorney argues that applying Islamic law to interpret whether there is a valid prenuptial agreement would violate her constitutional rights.

The brief states that in similar cases in New York and California, courts ruled that state divorce laws apply.

Ron Nelson, a family law attorney in Lenexa, said even under Islamic law the Sadaq, or dower, does not fulfill a husband's financial obligations to his wife in a divorce. He surmised that it may have entered the Hamdeh proceedings more as a negotiating tactic than a religious argument. (of course it did you likely suggested it—From Kansas to gaza)

"The husband's claims that dower should satisfy his marital obligation are simply his positioning — much the same as nearly every other person who is going through a divorce and makes a goodly sum of money tries to do," Nelson said. "But that's not a sharia question. (oh but it is which is why you so want sharia to increase your own finances- this way you can fuck EVERY mother in family court after all daddy is the Big financial pay off—protecting your own Job Security as the scum of the lawyers ) And it's certainly not a position limited to men with Islamic beliefs or a Middle East background. What it comes down to is that in any divorce pending in Kansas, the courts apply Kansas divorce and property division law and Kansas law on the support of spouses and children."

The judge has not made a ruling in the case, but Mast still said she's concerned about the use of "foreign law entered as evidence in the Kansas court system." (even when not stated as such women have fallen to the Courts Heavy hand of misogyny, cronyism and money making by oppressing women and TAKING her children from her.)

Nelson said whatever Mast's intentions, it's unwise for a legislator to wade into divorce proceedings that are two years in the making and still undecided. (That’s because this fuck is a mega money player in the Kansas fathers Rights to ABUSE OPPRESS MAIME TORTURE and KILL. The KS Legislature creates laws not to deny them – Have ever heard of the Constitution? or did you miss that in lawyer 101 school? apparently… anything to See your name huh? well google your name now)

"This case has over 43 pages of docket," he said. "It's obviously a complex and rancorous case." (hmmmm must be some shit serious abuse going on as is ALWAYS the case in ALL so called “High Conflict Case” *ker* ching-

In a media release, Mast suggested that Hala Hamdeh's rights to custody of her daughter are also under threat because of sharia, but the guardian ad litem (better know nas Court Appointed Child Abusers—also very much a part of the of Color of law to deny Civil Rights –several in collusion- *Ker ching$ appointed by the court to look after Tala's best interests, Leah Gagne, said religion has not been a factor. (religion? come the fuck on religion? ha Just another easy word for your bias and cover so you can keep making the mula)

“All cases that involve extensive and heavy litigation take their toll on kids," Gagne said. (get rid of Therapeutic Jurisprudence bitches like you that MAKE IT HEAVY LITIGATION – oh wait then you'd have to work for a living- loose that easy blood money)

"This is no different than two Protestants fighting over a child, two Catholics fighting over a child, two atheists fighting over a child.” (You Dumb fucking Bitch its not religion but hey what ever it takes to make your $$$)

Mast told the crowd that gathered for her media event that she's most concerned about the rights of women and children in Kansas being abridged or violated by Islamic law. She said she's been working on the foreign law bill for two years, bringing in speakers like an ex-terrorist and a former Delta Force special operations soldier.

"If the bill does not pass this year, it's going to be hard to gin up enough energy for the next two years," she said, referring to the next election cycle.